Why a one metre passing rule? Cyclists need to ride one metre from the curb or parked cars to avoid getting doored. To illustrate this, I measured the amount of space it takes for a Honda Civic to open and it is just about one metre per the picture below. If a cyclist needs one metre to avoid getting doored (or curbside obstacles such as manhole covers), it is only fair they have such space on both sides to maximize their safety. Factor in handlebar widths and motor vehicles would likely have to move over to the adjacent traffic lane; therefore letting the cyclist take the lane. To understand what it feels when somebody gets too close to you, Santa Rosa’s Street Smarts Program produced this public service announcement.
Bicycle with pool noodle (via Warren Huska) |
While this idea was not copied from elsewhere and I hadn’t previously heard of it, a similar idea was used to highlight how much space drivers take by attaching a wireframe around the bicycle resembling a car’s dimensions of approximately five metres by two metres.[2] These two measures, among others, go to show how cycling related issues can be made aware in unconventional ways.
Be inspired!
Rob Z (e-mail)
Follow @RZaichkowski
[1] http://www.mto.gov.on.ca/english/safety/bill-31.shtml
[2] Laura Bliss. CityLab. “If Bicycles Took Up as Much Space as Cars …” October 9, 2014. http://www.citylab.com/commute/2014/10/if-bicycles-took-up-as-much-space-as-cars/381300/.
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